Interviews & Assessments
Our initial interviews are typically conducted via Zoom with the recruitment panel and will involve specific questions exploring the experience and knowledge required for the role. All candidates will be asked the same questions to ensure consistency and fairness within our process.
Candidates will be asked questions requiring them to provide examples of when and how they have worked when faced with particular scenarios. We encourage candidates to provide as detailed an answer as possible to these questions to ensure the panel has a good understanding of individual style.
Applicants will be given the opportunity to ask questions to further their understanding of the position applied for and the Observatory.
Following initial interviews candidates may be invited back to attend a second stage assessment. Typically, these will take the format of a prepared assessment such as a presentation on a provided topic or a case study to present back findings to the panel.
At all stages full details of what to expect at interview and assessment will be provided by the HR Team and if candidates have specific questions they should contact a member of the team at